Whipped Feta with Nectarines in a Brown Sugar Siracha Syrup

A recipe inspired by sweet summer time!!
Nectarines fresh from Ogeechee Peaches in Jenkins Co. Georgia. Try this recipe with peaches or plums!

Whipped Feta with Nectarines in a Brown Sugar Sriracha Syrup

Whipped Feta

8 oz Feta
8 oz Cream Cheese
1 c Greek Yogurt

Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth. Chill for at least 15 minutes or until ready to use.

Nectarine Topping

2 Nectarines
1/4 c Brown Sugar
1 tsp. Sriracha

Slice nectarines. I leave the peels on because I love the color. Place sliced nectarines, brown sugar, and sriracha in a small pan. Cook on medium heat, stirring constantly until juices form. Cook until juices thicken to a syrup like consistency. Cool to room temperature.

1/4 c Pistachios (chopped)


Place whipped feta in a serving dish. I used a shallow bowl. Top with nectarines and syrup. Top with chopped pistachios. Serve with crackers or toasted bread rounds.


Bet Bet's Pickled Peaches


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