Recipe Lazar Oglesby Recipe Lazar Oglesby

Sausage, White Cheddar, Pear, and Pecan Tart  🍐 🍐🍐

Lots going on in this rustic pastry!! The tang from the white cheddar, peppery sausage, and a sweet hint of pear make this the perfect breakfast, brunch, or light supper food.

2 Pie Crusts
2 c Pears (pre cooked)
1 lb Fresh Pork Sausage
8 oz White Cheddar
1 c Pecans
12 Eggs
1 c Milk
Salt and Pepper to taste

This recipe makes two tarts. Grease tart pan or pie plate. Line with crust. 
Peel, core, and slice pears. Partially cook pears with a little sugar. Cook sausage, crumble, and drain on paper towels. Cut white cheddar into chunks. Beat eggs and milk until combined.
Place pears, sausage, and white cheddar in pie shell. Pour egg mixture over pear mixture and sprinkle pecans over the top. Fold the pie crust over the top to achieve a rustic look. 
Bake at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes until eggs are set in the center. Cool for 15 minutes. Slice and serve.

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Recipe Lazar Oglesby Recipe Lazar Oglesby

Pear Tarts

Pear Tarts made from what my Daddy affectionately calls “Womp” biscuits are just plain hard to beat. Cheap canned biscuits work best. The kind in the can you “womp” on the counter and they pop open are the star of this recipe. Oh and don’t forget the pears!

5-6 pears
1 c Sugar
Dash Cinnamon
2 10 count cans Biscuits
2 Eggs
3-4 c Oil
1 c Powdered Sugar

Peel, core, and slice pears. Place in a pot with sugar and cinnamon. Cook until tender. Drain pears and cool completely.

While pears are cooling work on your dough.
Open biscuits and place one at a time on floured surface. Flour your rolling pin generously. Roll until biscuits are thin and tripled in size.

Place biscuits between pieces of wax paper until all 20 are thin disks of dough. You may need to refrigerate if the dough becomes too tacky.

Beat eggs with a little water and place to the side.
Place one dough circle on flat surface. Fill with 1 heaping tablespoon of pears. Fold dough over the top of filling to create a half moon shape. Seal the edges of dough with beaten egg. You can use a fork to press edges together or fold edges over and seal with egg mixture.

Fill cast iron skillet 1/2 full with oil. Heat to 325 degrees. Gently place tarts in hot oil. Cook until golden brown on both sides. Drain on paper towel. Lightly dust with powdered sugar as soon as they come out of the grease.

Serve warm. Or cold. These are a labor of love but oh how I love them!

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